From december the 10th 2000 till the 10th of januari 2001 Jan van der Woning made together with Fred Ros, Willie Geurts en Jan Welten an exhibition expedition to the Antarctic. On a daily basis images and text were transmitted with a high-tech ISDN satelite connection to the website "www.onedayof480hours".(only in Dutch)

In the time ahead images, Quicktime VR movies, object movies of pinguins, landscapes, icescapes and bergs, gletsjers and sound tracks will be added to so that you can make a virtual visit to the Antarctic. Click here for a gallery with pictures.

If you click on the thumbnails, you will see the enlarged image. If you click on QTVR you will see a Quicktime panoramic movie in which you can navigate (but you have to have the Quicktime plugin installed) and if you click on JAVA you will see the Java version (that you can see without a plugin but with Java enabled). Lots of fun!!